
In this page we will try to give an overview over existing textbooks within Cartography. We will encourage the members of the Cartographic society to contribute to the list. Send information about the relevant textbook, in any language, to the Chair of the CartoBoK Working group (terjem<at>ntnu.no).

So far, this is a start of a list. We hope that many contributors will help us in extending the list.


Dent, Borden,  Torguson, Jeff  and Hodler, Thomas: Cartography: Thematic map design. The Guilford Press.

Dent, Borden D.: Cartography Thematic Map Design. William C Brown Pub.

Kraak MJ, FJ Ormeling. 2020. Cartography visualization of geospatial data. Boca raton: CRC Press.

Kraak, Menno-Jan, Roth, Robert E., Ricker, Britta,  Kagawa, Ayako and Le Sourd Guillaume: Mapping for a Sustainable World. United Nations: New York, NY (USA). Co-publications between UN and ICA.

Maher, Margaret M.: Lining Up Data in ArcGIS. Esri Press.

Slocum, Terry A., McMaster, Robert M., Kessler, Fritz C. and Howard, Hugh H.: Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization


Dickmann, Frank: Kartographie. Westermann (1st Edition, 2019), ISBN: 9783141603552 (2nd Edition 2020)

Hake / Grünreich / Meng: Kartographie – Visualisierung raum-zeitlicher Informationen. DeGruyter (8th Edition, 2001), ISBN 978-3-11-016404-6

Hurni, Lorenz 2015: Kartographie: Visualisierung von Objekten und Phänomenen in Raum und Zeit Ein Essay in Zehn Aspekten. Published in German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, 55 p.

Kohlstock, Peter: Kartographie. UTB (4th Edition, 2018), ISBN 978-3-8252-4919-9

Lab Guiding books

Cynthia A Brewer: Designed Maps. Esri Press.
Cynthia A Brewer: Designing better Maps. Esri Press.
A. Jon Kimerling, Aileen R. Buckley , Phillip C. Muehrcke, Juliana O. Muehrcke: Map Use. Esri Press.

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